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Becoming a member of AMCIS offers the opportunity to connect with a vibrant community of scholars working on inequality studies. By joining, you gain access to events, collaboration opportunities, and resources to promote your work.

Centre membership eligibility criteria

  • Post doctoral researchers and PhDs (both external and internal) at the UvA Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, and whose work focuses on inequality. We actively invite this group of researchers to become a member.
  • Inequality researchers employed by all UvA departments and faculties, who have (or are seeking) active research collaboration with other members of the AMCIS

Members of AMCIS enjoy the following benefits

  • Promotion of their work through our website, newsletter other available channels
  • Invitations to events that are organised exclusively for members
  • Eligibility to apply for AMCIS grants (as long as one of the scholars attached to the project is affiliated with the AISSR)

Would you like to become a member?

Please get in touch with our programme manager, introducing  yourself and providing a brief rationale for how your work relates to the theme of inequality.

A.E. (Anna) Wang

Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences